Dog Training and Behavior Consulting

Serving West Seattle and White Center

We train dogs of any age, but we specialize in seniors (age 8+). Our recommendations for training, behavior modification and care always have an eye toward the future as your dog ages.

We help improve your dog’s behavior so you both get the most out of your lifetime together. We focus on teaching your dog desirable behaviors using only science-based, force-free techniques.


Helping train your dog no matter

their age!

Dogs communicate with us primarily using body language.
We help interpret what your dog is saying so you understand why they are not behaving as you'd like.
Dogs are social beings with feelings and emotions.

We help ensure you’re meeting your dog’s needs and drives so they remain happy and healthy.

Dogs are family and their needs change as they age.
We help you take care of, and plan for your dog as they age just like you do any other member of your family.
Dogs are individuals.
We customize a training, behavior and care plan just for your dog.